Making online learning work - Top ten (and one bonus) tips for success! including Zoom!

How can you set up a successful online 'classroom' at home? Try these...

Before you do anything; create a big timetable so everyone in the house can see when lessons are taking place.

Set up your workspace...

1: Humans love to fiddle... dig out an old stress ball or something your child can play with as they listen. Go for something soft... avoid fidgetspinners or other noise-making gadgets which will be picked up by the microphone.

2: Try to set up the workstation so it doesn't need adjusting. If you are using an Ipad, get a stand. Why? This removes the need to constantly move the screen. Set up the chair and desk so that the monitor is at a comfortable height and distance.

3: Use headphones if you can but be aware that the microphone can pick up surround sounds so show your child how to use the 'mute' option.

4: Look what is behind your child; there may personal items, doorways into bathrooms, a passageway with constant traffic. Rig up a screen if you can. Watch out for windows and lighting making the screen difficult to read.

5: Provide any books which may be needed during the lesson including dictionaries so your child is not distracted by looking up words online.

Set up your technology...

6: Set up a call between yourself and your child so they can see how they look online (and how the sounds they think are very quiet can be picked up by the microphones)

7: If you are using Zoom, check out the virtual backgrounds (but be aware that they do use bandwidth!) Go to settings/virtual background and use a stock image or upload your own

8: Open any apps you might be using and have a bit of a practice. Sharing screens is full of pitfalls (See below!) have a few tries until your child is confident.

9: Have a 'troubleshooting' guide with steps you can go through if everything fails (and it will!)

Set up your life...

10: Build in breaks during which your child has to walk around, do some stretches, look at something to relax their eyes (looking at the colour green apparently does this!)

Avoid temptation!

Bonus 11: At school, students are not allowed to use phones or devices during lessons. How about creating a 'phone hotel' where devices are stored until lessons are over?

Above all... have a sense of humour. Technology fails, students surreptitiously text, some (yes, YOU James) watch minimised Youtube videos and accidentally share their screens!



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