
Showing posts with the label unschooling

Finding joy in being stuck at home - map your family story and other projects

 How many parents look back and wish they had spent more time with their children? Now you can! Take advantage and work on a family project together. How about... - A family history book - children interview parents, family members and grandparents and create a book of family memories. Suggest a few key areas; family traditions, recipes, houses, holidays, stories which have been passed on. The results can be handwritten, printed, or even stored on index cards to share at family gatherings. - A family portrait. Can't draw? Try a collage. - A family tree - challenge yourselves to see how many generations back you can go. You could add in world events to give context. Some families move around a lot and you could incorporate key events in new countries.  - A family map. Draw or print a world map and chart the movement of your family.  A thought: we are all under immense stress; be kind, patient, and this too will pass. Be calm... we may not be able to change e...