Online school? Gifted and creative kids getting bored? Try this...

Anna's animal magazine includes articles, illustrations and even a competition!
We love projects! Managing your own learning; carrying out research; deciding how to present findings; every step of the way takes students further on the road to becoming independent learners.

Take advantage of the school shut-down and work on a  project at home. Start with a big question: 'why does ... , 'what happens when...', 'could we...'  or 'how could we solve or improve....'

Brainstorm ideas and try to narrow down the research topic; be targeted but wide enough to be interesting! It could cover design, sport, art, dance, drama, history, science, maths, the Greek myths, dinosaurs, cars... anything your child finds of interest.

Once you have a question, work together to develop a research plan. Use books, online resources, observation, family archives...

What form will the end product make? The report can be written, illustrated, created using software or even online using Wordpress or a similar tool. You could even include models. How about a family presentation evening?

When the report is finished, share it with the family and celebrate your wonderful offspring.


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