Home schooling in Hong Kong? Try this to create calm

With our children confined to the house and a swirling cloud of panic surrounding us, how can we avoid the build-up of stress? Our children rely on school and social activities to provide them with structure and meaning. Take those away and we are rudderless.

This is where mindfulness and yoga come in. UK charity Childline has collated a number of resources for those looking for calm The Childline 'Calm Zone' includes a whole range of different techniques to try including breathing exercises and a hilarious relaxing games section (sounds like an oxymoron but they do really work!)

There is also a  brilliant Youtube channel called Cosmic Kids which combines yoga and animation (bear with me, it does seem to work!) and would be the perfect break for younger children.

Cosmickids Youtube Channel

For parents, have a look at the thoughtful and engaging classes offered by Chaz Rough at Yogamazing and the incredible range offered by Esther Ekhart and her team at Ekhart Yoga.

You could even choose a class and have a go together...  I tried this with my young Godson last year and it was great fun to watch him become immersed in the class and to compare notes afterwards.

There are so many online exercise programmes but do have a look through the content and make sure that they are young people friendly before you sign up...


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