
Showing posts with the label Downe House

More Scores on the Doors - Sunday Times Parent Power Rankings 2024

   As we all know, there is more to a school than rankings! They don't show the rich cultural or sporting lives of a school or indeed differentiate between schools with selective and unselective intakes.   Every year, the Sunday Times produces a ranking of all the schools in the UK based on GCSE and A level performance. This year, the 2024 Sunday Times Parent Power rankings have used A level, IB and GCSE results from 2023. Top schools remain constant with a few new arrivals in the top 20 which have made for interesting results for the normal incumbents!  1: St Paul's Girls 2: Guildford High School 3: St Paul's School  4: North London Collegiate (ranked 1st for GCSE) 5: City of London School for Girls (ranked 10th for GCSE) 6: Tonbridge School (ranked 14th for GCSE) =7: King's College School, Wimbledon =7: Magdalen College School 9: Westminster School  10: King Edward VI High School for Girls    Close but no cigar.. 11: Brighton College ...

Scores on the doors - the Sunday Times Parent Power Rankings 2022

 As we all know, there is more to a school than rankings! They don't show the rich cultural or sporting lives of a school or indeed differentiate between schools with selective and unselective intakes.   Every year, the Sunday Times produces a ranking of all the schools in the UK based on GCSE and A level performance. This year, the 29th Sunday Times Parent Power rankings have taken an average of results from 2017 - 2019 for their 2021 results (formal exams were disrupted due to the pandemic so schools used centre assessed grades in 2021) and the top ten schools are:   1: St Paul's Girls 2: King's College School, Wimbledon 3: Wycombe Abbey School  4: Magdalen College School 5: Guildford High School  6: St Paul's School  7: Westminster School  8 (joint) Brighton College - City of London School for Girls 10: Sevenoaks We've had Brandon students going on to all schools! Also enormously popular this year for our students are Eton College (11th),...

Interview season - get ready now!

  Interview Season  If you child is going into year 6 and you are applying to UK selective schools, you will be heading into interview season! Remember these stages:  1: Create your timetable. The first step is going to be taking the ISEB Pre-test (Winchester, Eton, Westminster, St Paul's, Tonbridge) and you need to be ready for this. Try the mock tests on 2: Think about the different interview styles you might encounter. Will they be group interviews (Wycombe, Downe House, Wellington), individual sessions + testing (St Paul's, Eton) or even academic interviews (Westminster, Winchester). Talk to your child about what to expect. 3: AVOID memorising answers! Schools hate this... INSTEAD... start discussions with your child about their interests and try to encourage them to develop their answers.  4: Choose a book, reading it together and discuss ideas.  5: Look for experiences which will develop your child's interests: visit a museum or gallery,...

Almost there, but not quite - Waiting List Woes

You get through the ISEB Pre-test, fly through the interviews... only to get a waiting list offer.  Don't despair!  A waiting list place is NOT a rejection. You are still in the picture. In 2020, five of my boys moved from reserve to general places at Winchester. One of my boys moved from the Eton waiting list and one of my girls has just moved off the waiting list at Downe House to the delight of her parents.   Why do schools have waiting lists?  It is no secret that families apply to multiple schools. If a school makes 10 offers, they can assume that a proportion of the candidates will not accept, or may drop our later. Hence the waiting list.  Why do students move from the waiting list? Some students may have a couple of options to consider. Once they give up their places, the schools will go to the waiting list to fill the gaps.  Other places will become available after scholarship exams take place. For example, Winchester candidates for Election ...

Online group interviews - don't panic!

Girls' schools tend to run group interview days for potential 11+ and 13+ candidates. The girls gather in groups and go through a series of activities together. Some schools, Wycombe Abbey, Downe House and CLC for example, also include online testing.   For the most part, the assessment days are a chance for girls to get to know each other. The length of the day gives the chance to different opportunities to shine and a girl who thrives during the debate may be inspired by another who shows herself to be a leader in the sports activities.  Our girls come back from their assessment days raving about Benenden's food or Downe House's muffin baking activities! This year though, all bets are off and all interviews are on Zoom!  If your daughter has a Zoom group interview coming up, don't panic. Firstly, schools know that this is going to be a very different experience and will be kind and patient. A good interviewer will make sure everyone is included. Talk to your daught...

What is a group interview and how do I prepare?

Many selective schools are now using group interviews as part of their selection process. The theory is simple: look at students in relation to each other; do they interact? Do they support each other? Do they stay with students from their own schools or countries? The group interview is a way of predicting how your year group will behave. There are a few favoured styles for group interviews: - the debate or discussion - a teacher uses an article or a few ideas in order to prompt a discussion. This is a feature of the Wycombe Abbey interview - a sports activity - students are expected to follow instructions. Downe House sees how the girls work as a team by using sport. - a science lesson - Tonbridge see how boys follow guidance, work as a team and use their intellect to engage with experiments - a treasure hunt - great fun at Benenden. and my personal favourite... baking at Downe House! As we all know from Gordon Ramsey- a team which works together in the kitchen is always a...

The Golden Rules for School Interview Preparation

Here are my top five rules for interviews, none of which are earth-shattering news to most parents but all of which are worth bearing in mind! 5: Understand the format of the interview: will your child be tested (Eton, Westminster) if so, what style is the test? Is there a group interview?  4: Do you have to bring anything to the interview ? A school exercise book? An item to discuss? If so, spend some time discussing the items with your child. Flick through the work book and ask your child to select the piece of work they are proudest of. Ask them why they chose their special item. Choose your own item and compare. Have fun finding out about your child!  3: Is there a dress code? Some schools (e.g. Downe House) ask girls to bring sports kit as part of the day includes a group exercise activity. If you are unsure, call the school. Wearing school uniform is always a safe bet and may help your son or daughter to put themselves into school-mode. If you opt to buy a sui...