The online school: more tips for teachers and students
Brandon has been online for a while now! Here are some tips for teachers who are about to start sharing the online experience. Above all, don’t feel isolated, we are all in the same boat. We use Zoom, Kahoots, Google Docs Pre-Quest (our own platform) and a whole range of other products to try to get the most out of our lessons. Be interactive – we found that just trying to teach in the same way didn’t really work so we have incorporated annotation, interactive whiteboard hangman as a warm-up, Kahoots and masses of quizzes into our lessons. We tried some of the fun gadgets (wishful thinking tropical backgrounds!) but the novelty factor wore off very quickly. Get physical – ask students to move for a few minutes during longer lessons. We have a series of go-to stretches for when classes start dozing off! Try new activities – we tried to think about how we could use technology to help some of our less confident students. As part of their interview skills class,...