
Showing posts with the label UK boarding school interviews

The Top Five Ways to Fail in a School Interview

Five ways to FAIL in your school interview   I have just finished reading Alice's adventures in Through the Looking Glass, so here is a tongue-in-cheek mirror-world version of my usual tips!    5: Have no idea about the school (including the name sometimes!) Seriously, this is really an issue, particularly when agencies have big fairs, generate a list of schools and then plonk the child in front of an interviewer. If you know you are going to a fair, spend time looking up the featured schools. After all, this is not a decision to be taken lightly. A bit of interest goes a long way; look at school websites and see what interests your child ahead of the interview.   4: Answer in monosyllables.  'What is your favourite subject?' 'maths' 'why?' 'I like it' 'Moving on... ' Monosyllabic answers kill a conversation. The aim of an interview is to share information about yourself and you can't do that without adding in a f...

Almost there, but not quite - Waiting List Woes

You get through the ISEB Pre-test, fly through the interviews... only to get a waiting list offer.  Don't despair!  A waiting list place is NOT a rejection. You are still in the picture. In 2020, five of my boys moved from reserve to general places at Winchester. One of my boys moved from the Eton waiting list and one of my girls has just moved off the waiting list at Downe House to the delight of her parents.   Why do schools have waiting lists?  It is no secret that families apply to multiple schools. If a school makes 10 offers, they can assume that a proportion of the candidates will not accept, or may drop our later. Hence the waiting list.  Why do students move from the waiting list? Some students may have a couple of options to consider. Once they give up their places, the schools will go to the waiting list to fill the gaps.  Other places will become available after scholarship exams take place. For example, Winchester candidates for Election ...