
Showing posts with the label Zoom lessons

Making online learning work - Top ten (and one bonus) tips for success! including Zoom!

How can you set up a successful online 'classroom' at home? Try these... Before you do anything; create a big timetable so everyone in the house can see when lessons are taking place. Set up your workspace... 1: Humans love to fiddle... dig out an old stress ball or something your child can play with as they listen. Go for something soft... avoid fidgetspinners or other noise-making gadgets which will be picked up by the microphone. 2: Try to set up the workstation so it doesn't need adjusting. If you are using an Ipad, get a stand. Why? This removes the need to constantly move the screen. Set up the chair and desk so that the monitor is at a comfortable height and distance. 3: Use headphones if you can but be aware that the microphone can pick up surround sounds so show your child how to use the 'mute' option. 4: Look what is behind your child; there may personal items, doorways into bathrooms, a passageway with constant traffic. Rig up a screen i...