Wycombe Abbey 11+ interviews

Based in Asia? Is your daughter trying Wycombe 11+ entry? Usually, you would be planning at trip to the UK but not this year! Here is what to expect in 2020. 

1: An individual and group interview

Individual interviews are a chance for your daughter to really show where her interests lie. Is she a musician? Be excited about that. A scientist? What has she been trying recently? An artist? What is she working on. 

The group interview is where your daughter will be able to demonstrate her critical thinking skills. As a member of a group, she will need to join in, be active and engage with others. At Brandon, we hold regular debates because many of our students need a bit of encouragement in order to speak up. 

2: An online CAT4 test

Your daughter will have an online assessment which will test her on: 




quantitative reasoning

The test is designed to assess aptitude but familiarity with verbal and non-verbal reasoning is helpful. So how do you prepare? Easy! our online platform, PreQuest, has two levels: Pretest gives you a foundation and Pretest Plus challenges bright students. 


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