Back to school; tips to consider as our schools reopen

The good news (for parents) is that Hong Kong schools are resuming for many primary and secondary students at the end of the month...  the bad news (for students) is that the timing is perfect for end of term exams! 

Our children have been out of school for most of the year, so how do you manage the transition process? 

Firstly, thinking about starting to enforce wake-up and sleep times. Many of my students have got used to a bit of a lie-in... there is a fascinating (academic) article on the effects of sleep on the teenage brain which was published in the Neuroscience & Behavioural Review if you are interested in something with which to back up your claim that 'sleep is good for you'! 

It sounds basic but do school uniforms still fit? Do schoolbags still have the requisite bits of kit and are books assembled? In our Brave New World, think about packing hand sanitiser, masks and alcohol wipes.

Answer practical questions (if you can) including how to handle using the lavatories. You might think that this is ridiculous but research has shown that the usage of school facilities is a genuine concern for some students. Your child might need some reassurance about how to use public facilities safely.

Most importantly, talk as a family about the transition. The sudden shock of being surrounded by friends may cause varied reactions: excitement or anxiety. Have the group been in contact during the last few months? How does your child feel about going out in public again and mixing with crowds? There may be concerned about missed work (you can reassure your child that almost every member of their class will share their worries). 

Consider how friendships may have become disconnected. Is your child worried about how their friends may have changed? Could you organise a small get together (even on Zoom!) to reconnect. 

Keep the channel of communication open, thinking about sharing emotions rather than just focusing on schoolwork. We need to ease back into our everyday life again and a closer family relationship should be a silver lining to what is a very dark cloud. 


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