What is the ISEB Pretest? The format explained

Entry to schools used to be relative easy: register, interview, get an offer, sit Common Entrance and start in September. All has changed.


Simple: the sheer numbers of students applying to UK schools has increased dramatically and schools have elected to use pre-tests in order to identify applicants who will be able to thrive in their classrooms.

So what does the pre-test consist of?

The test is taken online and there are four sections:

Maths (50 mins)
English (25 mins)
Non-Verbal reasoning (32 mins)
Verbal reasoning (36 mins)

Students may take breaks between sections but, once started, the test cannot be paused. A timer at the top of the screen shows the student how much time remains and there is an indicator at the bottom of the screen showing which question number the student is on and how many he/she has left to answer.

There are no prizes for finishing first! We recommend that our students pace themselves and aim for accuracy rather than racing though the questions. 

Schools do have the option to allow students with SEN requirements to have extra time. Some schools will also consider adding extra time for EAL students. If in doubt, check with your senior school. 

Results go straight to the school(s). One of the joys of this system is that you beleaguered son or daughter will not have to sit numerous tests: one test can be sent to multiple schools.


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