
More Scores on the Doors - Sunday Times Parent Power Rankings 2024

   As we all know, there is more to a school than rankings! They don't show the rich cultural or sporting lives of a school or indeed differentiate between schools with selective and unselective intakes.   Every year, the Sunday Times produces a ranking of all the schools in the UK based on GCSE and A level performance. This year, the 2024 Sunday Times Parent Power rankings have used A level, IB and GCSE results from 2023. Top schools remain constant with a few new arrivals in the top 20 which have made for interesting results for the normal incumbents!  1: St Paul's Girls 2: Guildford High School 3: St Paul's School  4: North London Collegiate (ranked 1st for GCSE) 5: City of London School for Girls (ranked 10th for GCSE) 6: Tonbridge School (ranked 14th for GCSE) =7: King's College School, Wimbledon =7: Magdalen College School 9: Westminster School  10: King Edward VI High School for Girls    Close but no cigar.. 11: Brighton College Surprise of the year - Wycom

How can I use the ZPD theory to parent my child?

Vygotsky developed his Zone of Proximal Development theories based on observing how groups of children learn. Children may have the raw ability to learn how to do something but they may not be able to achieve their potential without assistance from a knowledgeable person'who breaks down the task into steps which the child can master. We can call this 'scaffolding'.  Anyone who has ever studied painting or music will understand exactly what this process involves. Remember the Suzuki method? Think about the Zone of Proximal Development as having three steps:    1: Tasks which a learner CANNOT accomplish with assistance Sometimes, the task is too great for a learner. You as a parent need to step back and break the task down into small bites. Think about this; you wouldn't put a child on a racing bike for the first time and expect them to be a competant rider! Apply this to every area your child struggles with.    2: Tasks which a learner CAN accomplish with assistance.   W

School interviews - Looking at the world differently

  Your child is unlike any other. They have insights, ideas and interests which are unique to them.  School interviews are a time when this should shine forth!  The worst advice I hear is that students should memorise answers for interviews. The best interview is a conversation. Even if a child is an Oscar-level actor, interviewers will quickly realise that they are parroting pre-rehearsed responses.  Encourage your child to discuss their ideas and thoughts with you. You'll be amazed by the way they see the world. As will interviewers at the right-fit schools.

A whistlestop tour of CLC, Brighton College and Cranleigh!

 I am in the UK for the first time in three years! As I go around the schools, I am amazed at how quickly boarding life has resumed. It is wonderful to see students making the most of the sunshine. As we are in exam season, libraries and studies are packed and (according to one house parent) restorative cakes and toast are in high demand...  I have made a few quick videos to record my impressions of...  Cheltenham Ladies' College (CLC),  Cranleigh ... and Brighton College.  Winchester, Wycombe, Downe and Wellington to come! 

School Interview Tips with Dr Jessica - the book question!

Interviewers love to ask students which books they are reading!  In this short video, you'll hear some of my top tips to tackle the question.   Click the image to get started.  

Focus on the day schools - options in the North West

 We have increasing number of parents looking for day schools around Manchester. Some of the parents are moving to the UK with the BNO passport scheme, others are thinking of moving closer to family.   To help you to understand the system, we have carried out research into the schools parents are looking at. All the information is taken from the school websites and is for guidance only!    Entry Points Entrance Exams Interview? Additional Information Sunday Times Ranking School Name Closest City 11+ 13+ 16+ VR NVR English Maths North West 1 Altrincham Grammar School for Girls Manchester Monday 19th September 2022 For 11+ Sixth Form requires four GCSE passes at grades 7 and above, plus two GCSE passes at grade 6. Grades 7, 8 or 9, are required in the relevant GCSE subject to be studied at A Level. 2 The Blue Coat School Liverpool Sept 2022 Coed. The minimum entry requirements for all icandidates are: Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics and English Language or Literature ▪ 52 points from the bes

Scores on the doors - the Sunday Times Parent Power Rankings 2022

 As we all know, there is more to a school than rankings! They don't show the rich cultural or sporting lives of a school or indeed differentiate between schools with selective and unselective intakes.   Every year, the Sunday Times produces a ranking of all the schools in the UK based on GCSE and A level performance. This year, the 29th Sunday Times Parent Power rankings have taken an average of results from 2017 - 2019 for their 2021 results (formal exams were disrupted due to the pandemic so schools used centre assessed grades in 2021) and the top ten schools are:   1: St Paul's Girls 2: King's College School, Wimbledon 3: Wycombe Abbey School  4: Magdalen College School 5: Guildford High School  6: St Paul's School  7: Westminster School  8 (joint) Brighton College - City of London School for Girls 10: Sevenoaks We've had Brandon students going on to all schools! Also enormously popular this year for our students are Eton College (11th), Radley (58th) Downe Hou